Monday, November 11, 2013

Hollywood Secrets: Applying Eye Makeup like the Professionals

Hollywood Secrets:  Applying Eye Makeup like the Professionals

If you want to get the look of Hollywood glamour, you need to know the makeup tricks that the professionals use.  One of the hardest techniques to master is properly applying eye makeup.  Use too little and you won’t get the effect that you want.  Apply too much and you end up looking like a raccoon.  Here are some eye makeup tips to get you started creating your own red carpet worthy look.

Applying eye shadow
The first step in applying eye shadow is using different shades.  You will want to start with a base color that covers the entire eye lid from lashes to crease.  Then, to add more definition, you will want to use a darker color blended into the crease.  Lastly, highlight the brow bone with a lighter color.

When choosing an eye shadow color, test them first on the back of your hand.  This will allow you to see the intensity of the color.  Remember that lighter colors will help emphasize your eyes, while dark colors will help define them.

Applying eye liners
The next step in applying your eye makeup is to use the eye liner.  Generally, you have two options – liquid or pencil – to achieve the look that you want.
·       Liquid.  Before you use a liquid liner on your eyes, test it on your hand to see how much pressure you will need to apply to generate the thickness that you want.  Try steadying your elbow on a flat surface to keep the line smooth.  Start at the inside corner of the eye and work outwards.  Extending past the outer corner can give you a more exotic look, while stopping at the corner will cause the eyes to appear more open.  Once applied, use a Q-tip to soften the edges of the liner.
·       Pencil.  To apply eye makeup with a pencil, you will basically use the same technique.  The only difference is that pencils create a softer line than liquid liners.  For best results, make sure that pencils are sharpened before using them.

Applying mascara
The next step in applying eye makeup is the mascara.  Start by looking down and brushing the top lashes from the roots downwards.  Then look up and do a second coat brushing from the bottom of the lashes upwards.  Lastly, apply a coat to the lower lashes while you are still looking up.  Allow the lashes to dry, and then repeat.  If you have a problem with lashes sticking together, use a clean and dry mascara brush to gently separate them.

Solving eye “problems” by applying eye makeup
In general, the almond-shaped eye is considered the most desirable one to have.  However, not everyone is born with perfectly shaped eyes.  Applying eye makeup, however, can help improve your eye’s shape.

·       For small eyes, keep eyebrows fine.  Add a little shadow under the lower lashes.  Shadow on the upper lid should curve upwards like a wing.  Line both lids, extending the outer corner outwards.  This will cause your eyes to appear longer and larger.

·       For wide-set eyes, pencil in eyebrows so they are closer to each other.  A little shadow along the bridge of your nose that stops at the center of the eye can help make the eyes appear closer together.  When lining, start from the inner corner.

·       For close-set eyes, shape the eyebrows so that they do not appear to be too close together.  Eye shadow should be used on the outer half of the upper lid and extend to the brow.  Liner should not begin at the inner corner of the eye.

You can get the beautiful, Hollywood look by implementing the eye makeup tips and techniques used by professional makeup artists.  With a few strokes of practice, along with mineral makeup, you can quickly develop that perfect look for your beautiful face.

Check out our Mineral Eye Shadows Here!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

5 Elements to Look For In Organic Makeup

5 Elements to Look For In Organic Makeup

Many women are concerned about what they put into their bodies, and more are also becoming concerned about what they put on their bodies.  But how much of the organic makeup industry is real, and how much is hype?  Here are five elements that you can do to make sure that you are getting organic makeup that is worth the price.

What’s in a name?
One of the first things that you should do is read the names of the ingredients of the organic makeup that you are considering.  In many organic makeup products, you will see plant, fruit, vegetable, and herb ingredients on the list.  For instance, your organic makeup might include lavender.  If there are many long, chemical names on the ingredient list, then chances are your organic makeup is more chemical than organic.  If you don’t recognize nearly all of the ingredients, don’t buy it.

What’s in the top 5?
Another aspect to consider when buying organic makeup is evaluating the top five ingredients.  Remember, manufacturers will list the ingredients in order of the amount found in the product.  Thus, items near the top of the list make up a large portion of the product, while items towards the bottom are only included in minute amounts.  Make sure that you recognize the top five ingredients, as these are the ones that will have the most benefit for your skin.

Who makes the organic makeup?
Keep in mind that in the makeup industry, a company only has to include some ingredients to label their product as “organic” makeup or “all natural” makeup.  However, some manufacturers have a better reputation than others when it comes to being truly organic.  Look for websites that compare the different manufacturers to find one that is best for you. Or try consulting your dermatologist about companies and products that he or she recommends for patients who want to try organic makeup.

How does your skin react to the organic makeup?
Just like you would with any makeup, it is helpful to give organic makeup a trial run to see how your skin reacts to it.  While shopping for organic makeup, see if they have any samples that you can try before you purchase the product.  If not, always buy the smallest size of the product first to try it – this way, you are not stuck with an economy size bottle of organic makeup foundation that you will never wear.

If you find that you do have sensitivity, read down the ingredient list, paying close attention to the top five ingredients.  You might be allergic to one of these items, so try to avoid them in future purchases.  Or, if you find that the product does not do what it claims, then you know that it is not the right organic makeup for you.  If you decide that you love the organic makeup product, you can always go back and buy more in the future.

What will the organic makeup cost?
The last element of organic makeup to consider is the cost.  While organic makeup tends to be more expensive than traditional cosmetics, you will still find a varying price range depending on what you are purchasing.  Use caution with products that are much cheaper than the competition, as they may not have the same quality.  Take some time to shop around to find the best product for you.

As more research is conducted, revealing that the chemical ingredients in cosmetics do not bode well for your skin’s long-term health, switching to organic makeup will cause your skin to look – and feel – much better. 

Check out our Mineral Makeup and Skincare line today!